Some New Ideas For A New Year

Writing is a bit of an oxymoron for some folks like me who are private by nature yet have something to say. Non-fiction can be fun. Researching and chasing facts down rabbit holes to maintain integrity and respect as an author is important, no matter how small a detail is. The same can be said for fiction. I believe that any writing reveals parts of our own psyche, a glimpse into our minds and hearts that may not be revealed otherwise. Life experiences can weave their way into a characters motive and motivation while research can provide other parts of the equation that make up a story or find a resolution. For shy or quiet folks it can be intimidating to try to express themselves in certain genres. For me that is poetry. I feel vulnerable writing and sharing poetry allowing readers to peek inside my heart to see what makes me tick. Yet, I have no other way to let myself be known so I try to put emotions into words. Whether or not it works remains to be seen.

My idea is to share some of my poetry here if for no other reason than to have a change of pace. It is my hope that some people may enjoy it. I will begin next month and see how it goes. In the meantime stay safe and warm. I value all of you who check in. Feel free to say hello !

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