GHOSTBUSTING 101 – How To Ward Off Ghostly Encounters !

Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. I enjoy the creativity of costumes, the vibrant fall colors, and the mysterious ambiance of the unknown. Unfortunately,  ghost scams are another predatory tactic used by scammers throughout the year using personal information found in obituaries as  a way to steal  a deceased person’s identity.

Obituaries are loving tributes to those who have passed on. For the scam artist they are a treasure trove of personal information that can be used for illegal means. Date of birth, birthplace, relatives ,maiden names, lifelong activities, military service, and burial information can all be used to create a new identity. Certainly honoring someone’s memory is of utmost importance , but precautionary measures may be useful to  help protect their legacy.

Some gentle reminders for grieving family members follow. These should be done as soon as possible to minimize the risk of a ghost scam.

Notify the Social Security Administration of the person’a death. 1-800-772-1213

Notify the IRS. 1-800-829-1040

Notify Credit Bureaus and consider Credit Monitoring.

Equifax 1-888-378-4329

Experian 1-888-397-3742

TransUnion 1-800-916-8800

Also notify banks, insurance companies, and other business institutions. They will guide you through the process.

It is sad to think that the grieving process has to include safeguards after someone passes away. I hope these tips help during difficult times.

Join Me In Helping Upijata Arts Heal Young Hearts !

I have been quite busy these last few months working with my colleagues at Upijata Arts Company trying to secure funding and asking for donations for our programs located on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Our goals are to nurture the younger community members who are consistently exposed to obstacles that have a negative effect on their hopes for a bright future. Skyrocketing suicide rates, poverty, generational and historical traumas contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair. We are trying to change that by nurturing their sense of self and self-worth through the arts. Studies have shown that creative expression can lead to improved mental health and well-being. We offer several programs including visual arts, performing arts, dance, martial arts, and traditional arts that reflect the beauty and resilience of Indigenous culture.

Currently we are trying to purchase a building  from tribal members so that we can expand our outreach within the community. . The building will require some restoration and upgrades. We also need supplies and/or gift cards to help sustain our efforts. As back-to-school shopping commences please consider a few extra boxes of crayons or pencils.  or paper products. Resources are quite limited on the reservation. Gift cards to Home Depot or other outlets would certainly help. Children are our future leaders. Let’s help them by offering them the tools they need to believe in themselves and others. For more information please visit The website. is below Donations can be sent to

PO Box 101 Batesland SD 57716.     605-519-5109

WOPILA  (Thank you)  to everyone !

Working on Several Projects

Hi Everyone:

It’s been a busy few weeks and I am working on several new projects at the same time. My goals include continued research into scams and providing hints and tips for protecting yourself and loved ones from the never ending threats to personal security.

I have two writing projects I am working on, one fiction and one non-fiction and both are being juggled weekly. I am venturing outside of my comfort zone and submitting some of my work for publication in various platforms.

Last, but not least, I am considering expanding my posts to include book reviews, creative challenges faced by authors, and upcoming events and classes. In the meantime I hope everyone has a safe summer. Stay tuned for more updates soon !

You Don’t Need This Kind Of Juice When You’re On Vacation !

Summer is here and that usually means vacation time for many folks looking forward to a change of scenery.  Whether by plane, train, or on the road planning is the key to a successful trip. In the hectic race to get packed and ready to leave sometimes our electronic devices need charging. Cyber-thieves, always looking for an opportunity to steal information, have devised a system called “juice jacking” that allows them access to your data via public charging stations. The FCC is advising folks to avoid using public USB ports because they may be infected with malware that can infect your devices. Here a a few tips on how to protect yourself while traveling.

Use an AC power outlet, car chargers, and your own charging cables.

Invest in a small battery pack. They vary in size and price but are worth the convenience of not having to search for places to charge equipment.

Purchase a charging only cable that does not allow the receipt of data from outside/unknown sources.

For additional security hints visit

Safe travels to all who are going on adventures and Happy Summer to everyone.

Surprise Mom With A Gift Card for Mother’s Day – But Educate Her Too!

I personally enjoy getting and giving gift cards for any occasion. I like the freedom of shopping online or at a brick and mortar store and , in some instances, sharing my great finds with the person who gifted me the card. Unfortunately ,scammers have devised ways to deplete gift card accounts with a call, text, or email and unsuspecting consumers have no idea they’ve been taken. Here are some tips on how to recognize this scam.

Government officials never as for gift cards as a payment for any purpose whatsoever. Scammers will claim you owe taxes, fines, or other official sounding bills and ask that you pay with a gift card. SCAM !

Hooray! You won our latest contest! We want to send you a check right away but first we need you to pay some upfront fees before we can proceed further. A gift card works best ! SCAM!

Things are going nicely with the new person you met online. Friendly, caring, understanding but needs a bit of cash to eat or pay bills. A gift card would be the fastest way. They ask for the numbers on the back and the pin and off they go – with your money! SCAM!

For more information on gift card scams visit the FTC at and/or the business who issued the card. For example ,if it is an Amazon gift card contact Amazon or visit their website. It is important to remember that gift cards are for gifts-not payments of any kind. Be thoughtful and be careful. Don’t let scammers get your gift.

Weighing Out Your Options

Summer will be here before we know it and many folks look forward to warmer weather. Tank tops, shorts, and bathing suits beckon from the back of the closet but on closer inspection (and reflections) they may not fit. Enter the “spring thing” where determined consumers decide to lose a few pounds to look their best in the upcoming season. The most important aspect of looking for ideas to trim some weight is to exercise caution and stay on your toes when it comes to scams !

Scammers lie in wait ready to pounce on many seasonal trends using any tactics they can to ensnare you into purchasing bogus products – in this case weight loss products. Here are some common claims -aka warning signs – that are used to reel in unsuspecting people.

You will lose 20 pounds in 20 days!

All weight loss with our products is permanent!

Eat whatever you’d like and still lose weight!

Everyone will have the same results !

Read our wonderful reviews!

Where’s the ingredients? None listed? That’s a big problem !

On a forum or chat? Be careful over-sharing/posting too much personal info. Safeguard your privacy !

If you believe you are the vista of a weight loss scam contact the Federal Trade Commission at Consult your physician before making any changes and gather nutrition tips on reputable websites. Stay and be safe.

National Consumer Protection Week March 6-12, 2024

Got a scam story to tell? Need help with a fraud situation? Don’t know where to turn  to or who to trust for advice? The Federal Trade Commission wants to hear from you. You don’t have to wait till March 6-12 to ask questions. They’re available for assistance whenever you’d like. Don’t wait – investigate with those who are in the know.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not – Romance Scams Are Blooming !

Love is in the air but does something stink ? Scammers are targeting dating sites and other social media to play games that end with broken hearts and empty bank accounts. Here are a few warning signs to watch for per the FTC :

Heroes in hiding. Made up stories of heroic deeds, secret missions, and top secret clearance requirements in foreign countries should raise red flags. They claim they cannot send pictures because of  the nature of their work. Unsuspecting victims may be caught up in the intrigue and excitement of fake tales.

Requests for money, expensive gifts, and other questionable requests are signs of a scam. Often times scammers will make up stories of sick children or needy family members in an effort to pull on heartstrings in the hope that they can gain access to your money. Two letter reply is a firm NO !

Professing undying love and claiming to be the only person who truly cares for you is a common tactic that aims a crooked arrow to your heart. While speaking and pretending to be someone they aren’t , scammers are planning other ways to steal your money and personal info.

If you believe you may be a victim of a scam contact the social media app admins and report it to the FTC at

Stay safe !

Here’s to 2024 And So Much More !

Hello Everyone :

It has been an interesting year filled with bumps, curveballs, and surprises. I am still learning how to navigate my way around a new computer and trying to keep up with the latest technology can be challenging.

I have several writing projects in the works and am exploring other creative outlets such as painting with mixed media and other craft projects. The ever-evolving scam problems keep changing faces but all seek the same thing – your personal info. Please stay on guard and don’t become complacent. Keep practicing your individual form of self-defense.

I would like to thank everyone who continues to check in and see where and what is happening in my little corner of the universe. I am considering adding additional subject matter here to diversify a bit and hope you’ll continue to accompany me when I do.

Best wished for a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year in 2024. You are appreciated !


Honored To Be Part of Grant Writing Team For Upijata Arts Company !

I am very pleased and honored to announce that I am officially part of the Grant Writing Team for Upijata Arts company, a non-profit organization located on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.  Upijata Arts is comprised of several dedicated instructors and sponsors who believe that the arts, including dancing, painting, and sculpting can help heal and nurture children on the reservation whose lives have been affected by both historical trauma and on-going adverse conditions that are harmful to their development.

Funds are needed to help provide a nurturing and safe environment for the children to express their own creativity. There is no transportation available to them. Many ride bicycles or skateboards to class and some walk along the side of long roads leading to their classrooms.  The arts are a welcome relief from other hardships they endure. All of them are always grateful for all assistance of any kind.

I welcome any suggestions or ideas that anyone has for grants or other fundraising options. Please take a moment to visit their website to see how you can help. No one is asking for new computers, the latest tablets or iPhone. They need help with supplies and want to be able to pay instructors so that they, in turn, can help others. Thank you!