Bee Careful With Your Honey!

Yep! That’s me beneath some beekeeper gear. A few years ago, I took a “Beekeeping 101” course and learned some fascinating facts about honeybees. For example, the bees keep their hive at a steady temperature of about 95 degrees year-round in order to keep the Queen and workers safe and productive. A Queen bee lives between 1 – 2 years while workers live about a month. They fly up to 6 miles a day at a speed of around 15 mph and their wings beat approximately 11,400 per minute – buzz buzz!

What about honey? Did you know that fake honey has flooded the marketplace for years? Commercially produced honey is often diluted with additives such as corn and rice syrup and ultra-filtered, a process that removes valuable nutrients and enzymes. The end product is then labeled “pure”, a deceptive practice that misleads consumers and violates many safety standards set forth in the United States. Here’s some simple tips to avoid the fakes and enjoy the tastes of nature’s sweet treat.

Beekeepers and informed consumers say the same thing – BUY LOCAL!

Natural, unadulterated honey should contain pollen from local sources. It’s worth the trip to a farmer’s market or neighborhood beekeeper for a quality product.

Read the label. Any mention of high fructose means something has been added to change the purity.

Real honey is not runny when touched. Dip your finger in a sample and check the consistency. It shouldn’t change from thick to thin.

Talk to sellers and ask questions. A little knowledge can go a long way.

Valuable Scam Prevention Tools For Writers- WRITER BEWARE!

Many readers are mesmerized by the words of others. Writing is a solitary and often times frustrating endeavor. In today’s techno world not only do writers have to be concerned with plagiarism and copyright infringement issues, but they also are being targeted by scammers and hackers looking to capitalize on the sheer joy of an author finishing their first novel or a seasoned writer hoping to celebrate the sale of a beloved manuscript they’ve worked on for years. Fake contracts, empty promises, and illegal transactions are now unsolved mysteries waiting to be unraveled while the careers, hopes, and dreams of many aspiring scribes are being jeopardized by unscrupulous cons.

Fortunately, there is a dedicated group of people who are helping to spread awareness of scams geared towards writers of all mediums – blogs, articles, short stories etc. As someone who has experienced potential issues of copyright infringement, I am very grateful for people like Victoria Strauss and her staff whose efforts provide writers like myself a place to learn and grow and safeguard our valuable written works. Please visit the very informative Writer Beware website and blogs to stay informed and thanks to everyone for all you do to keep writers safe and aware!

Meet One of My Favorite Authors Richard “Pete” Peterson

I always get comfortable before reading one of R.L. “Pete” Peterson’s stories – feet up, a fresh cup of tea or coffee at my side, and a big smile on my face because I know I’m about to embark on a journey wrapped in words so carefully crafted that I’ll soon forget where I am. Pete Peterson is a prolific, award-winning author whose stories have made me laugh, cry, and ponder life’s wonders and sorrows. I am thrilled to announce his new novella, “Leave the Night to God” will be available in the fall from Regal House Publishing and has been chosen as a finalist for their Petrichor Prize. Pete has a multitude of projects in the works, and I highly recommend a visit to his website to learn more about this master storyteller and craftsman so put your feet up, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride.  Website info

Anatomy of Email Scams – Spoofing and Phishing Games

Please note these examples of email scams. Each appear to be from reputable companies – a common technique called spoofing. Further inspection of the highlighted areas reveals poor grammar, missing account information, and no identifying information. The goal is to lure folks into clicking on the suggested area so the scammers can try to obtain personal data to be used or sold to other unscrupulous users. Please take a minute and carefully inspect any and all suspicious emails no matter how legitimate they may appear to be. Be safe and stay safe!

It’s Womens History Month!

I am proud to announce another collaboration with the curators of the Bridgeport History Center to highlight the many contributions my Mom, Colleen J. Bartram, made to the city of Bridgeport. Despite poverty and health issues she danced her way into people’s hearts and continued her stellar career as an international acrobat and entertainer. I was thrilled to write her biography which is available on Amazon and am looking forward to working with others who cherish the memories of times gone by.

Hands-Only CPR Classes Available This Month

Hands-Only CPR is a great way to learn life-savings skills in 2 easy steps. I will be teaching two classes this month in Ocala FL. No prior experience is needed. Please note this is NOT a certification class. If interested in renewing or obtaining a 2-year certification, please use contact form. For more information and to register for Hands-Only classes please visit the following sites:

March 18, 2022     9-11 AM

March 23, 2022    1:30 – 3:30

Please note: Class times are approximate based on number of students enrolled. Hope to see you there!

Shifting Views and Sharing Insights

For several years now I have primarily focused on scam prevention tips and hints. I a am changing and shifting perspectives to include a variety of topics. This month I am highlighting a project I worked on with my granddaughter. She designed the cover and I gathered recipes covering five generations of family members. The end result was a book I gave as gifts to loved ones. Why not try a similar exercise in creativity while staying safe and healthy? I used a free recipe template and used that format to enter all the data. Once completed I used the services of a popular business supply chain to have it printed. The recipes brought back happy memories of times gone by and provided an opportunity to share some family history. Bon Appetit!

Costs Are Rising While Wallets Are Shrinking. Welcome to 2022!

Welcome to 2022! As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc with health issues our cost-of-living expenses continue to be affected by a number of factors. Whether it be food, gas, clothing, or insurance we are seeing an increase in prices. We need to take a look at ways we may be able to adjust our budgets.
There has been a substantial rise in the cost of building supplies which has trickled down into a variety of insurance policies across the nation. For example, those who carry replacement cost coverage on homeowner policies have seen their annual premiums nearly double. While rate setting is out of our control try contacting your agent and see if there are any discounts available. There may be a chance for savings that you are not aware of which may result in a decrease in premium. Can you increase your deductible? Did you recently replace a roof? Upgrades to existing appliances? Many items are factored into the underwriting process so be sure to check it out.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.