I always get comfortable before reading one of R.L. “Pete” Peterson’s stories – feet up, a fresh cup of tea or coffee at my side, and a big smile on my face because I know I’m about to embark on a journey wrapped in words so carefully crafted that I’ll soon forget where I am. Pete Peterson is a prolific, award-winning author whose stories have made me laugh, cry, and ponder life’s wonders and sorrows. I am thrilled to announce his new novella, “Leave the Night to God” will be available in the fall from Regal House Publishing and has been chosen as a finalist for their Petrichor Prize. Pete has a multitude of projects in the works, and I highly recommend a visit to his website to learn more about this master storyteller and craftsman so put your feet up, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride. Website info https://www.rlpetepeterson.com
Category Archives: News
It’s Womens History Month!
I am proud to announce another collaboration with the curators of the Bridgeport History Center to highlight the many contributions my Mom, Colleen J. Bartram, made to the city of Bridgeport. Despite poverty and health issues she danced her way into people’s hearts and continued her stellar career as an international acrobat and entertainer. I was thrilled to write her biography which is available on Amazon and am looking forward to working with others who cherish the memories of times gone by.
Hands-Only CPR Classes Available This Month
Hands-Only CPR is a great way to learn life-savings skills in 2 easy steps. I will be teaching two classes this month in Ocala FL. No prior experience is needed. Please note this is NOT a certification class. If interested in renewing or obtaining a 2-year certification, please use contact form. For more information and to register for Hands-Only classes please visit the following sites:
March 18, 2022 9-11 AM
March 23, 2022 1:30 – 3:30
Please note: Class times are approximate based on number of students enrolled. Hope to see you there!
Costs Are Rising While Wallets Are Shrinking. Welcome to 2022!
Welcome to 2022! As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc with health issues our cost-of-living expenses continue to be affected by a number of factors. Whether it be food, gas, clothing, or insurance we are seeing an increase in prices. We need to take a look at ways we may be able to adjust our budgets.
There has been a substantial rise in the cost of building supplies which has trickled down into a variety of insurance policies across the nation. For example, those who carry replacement cost coverage on homeowner policies have seen their annual premiums nearly double. While rate setting is out of our control try contacting your agent and see if there are any discounts available. There may be a chance for savings that you are not aware of which may result in a decrease in premium. Can you increase your deductible? Did you recently replace a roof? Upgrades to existing appliances? Many items are factored into the underwriting process so be sure to check it out.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
Join Me -Attitude of Gratitude Presentation Nov. 19 Sholom Park Ocala FL !
I am honored to be a part of the LEAF Series as guest speaker on November 19 from 10:30 am to noon. Please join me as I discuss the many gifts nature has to offer and learn techniques to express your thoughts and ideas in a journal focused on An Attitude of Gratitude. Pre-registration is required and there is no cost to attend. No pets please. For additional information please visit http://www.sholompark.org Hope to see you there! Thank you !
New Edition of Scammunition Now Available!
Published Short Story Literary Mag Scarlet Leaf Review Special Edition
Catching Up and Checking In for 2021
I want to thank everyone who checks in to catch up on news and bring folks up to date on my activities and projects. COVID restrictions and my own classification as a high-risk person has significantly altered my ability to interact with others. I am not teaching BLS/CPR at this time but have retained all of my credentials with both American Heart Association and American Red Cross. Because of the excellent safety protocols put in place at Master The Possibilities I have taught Hands-Only CPR and my new class “Lucid Dreaming: Another Altered State of Mind” in-person and have had great success and wonderful students fully participate in both classes. I am also in the final stages of editing a writing project about recipes and have collaborated with my talented granddaughter in designing a cover. I continue to write short stories and am dabbling in poetry.
I cannot emphasize enough the need to be vigilant, cautious, and leery about any and all solicitations about COVID cures, vaccines, tests, cures etc. Scammers are opportunists who lurk in the background and feed on fears and insecurities and the misfortunes of others. Please watch out for others who are vulnerable and frightened. Heed the advice of professionals like the FTC who carefully follow the trends of dishonesty and deceit being played out around the world. Take a moment or two to think before making any decisions. Staying safe during these difficult times has more than one meaning. Wishing everyone health, happiness, and safety in the year to come.
My Short Story Heroes Published in International Literary Magazine!
I’m very pleased to announce the publication of my non=fiction short story titled Heroes. Inspired by my two young grandsons it is a tribute to the power of love. Look for menu on top left and go to December 2019 non-fiction section and scroll down. Here’s the link and as always thank you to those who support my writing efforts!
FTC Releases 2018-2019 Report On Protecting Older Consumers
Click here to view report from FTC. Includes data and recommendations for all ages.